How is all started with Mad'e..... A simple afternoon motorbike drive through the rice fields, through the lush jungles, a bottle of petrol to fill the tank, and there was Made`. This jeweler working his talents out of his small home, only the decent of the Balinese natives in sight. I had a vision but only days to return back to California, my native land I had left 3 years prior to travel the globe. The vision was to take a piece of Asia with me and gift it to others at home. But I was not going to look for the jeweler manifested he will find me. Made soon transformed my drawings into the most beautiful pieces, all produced both Made`, his father being the water priest, his cousins and his wife. All hand made and artistically carved in the small home by this kind Balinese man and his entire family. The pieces were soon sold in California and reordered, a smile it gave Made and his family. And now supporting and gifting this family and neighboring villagers with fortune. Recently the neighbors have been included in this project, as new pieces are in constant making this helping support the village community as a whole and inspiring us all from afar. It's been an inspiring and humbling journey.

Since I have been working with Made a new motorbike has been bought for the family as one was only used for 7 of them, and soon a goal for me, a new kitchen for the family as currently its a camp fire. The village is like a floating lotus, it flourishes in the muddy ponds all the while blooming into exquisite beauty. This beauty being the art these people produce; blissfully humbling natives they live in such positive light and bless every step of their lands. The earing's bless you with unique style while stamping a gift to island natives that simply don't have the oppoortunies that we have to market there artistic talents. I was awakened by this reality when I returned home....we forget that our wears and buys are produced by less the unfortunate most from poor afar lands....we provide them with work and they gift us style and beauty....we forget that we are all ONE~!

From the creator of Desa Designs and the team, we give you islands of blessings for your purchase! Thanks for making hearts smile! Thank you for your support! ~Hannah & The Desa Designs Team.